Event | Target | Current | Score | +1 | +2 | +5 | +10 | +25 | +50 | +100 | |
500m | 1:44.4 | 2:40.5 | 682 | 2:40.4 | 2:40.2 | 2:39.5 | 2:38.3 | 2:34.7 | 2:29.2 | 2:19.2 | |
1000m | 3:41.6 | 5:21.1 | 721 | 5:20.9 | 5:20.4 | 5:19.0 | 5:16.7 | 5:10.1 | 4:59.6 | 4:40.6 | |
2000m | 7:43.8 | 10:50.9 | 725 | 10:50.0 | 10:49.1 | 10:46.4 | 10:41.9 | 10:28.8 | 10:08.2 | 9:30.8 | |
5000m | 20:04.2 | 27:31.8 | 752 | 27:30.7 | 27:28.4 | 27:21.7 | 27:10.6 | 26:38.1 | 25:46.8 | 24:13.4 | |
6000m | 24:26.1 | 33:50.5 | 743 | 33:49.2 | 33:46.3 | 33:38.0 | 33:24.2 | 32:43.9 | 31:40.3 | 29:44.6 | |
10km | 41:49.3 | 1:00:25.7 | 712 | 1:00:23.5 | 1:00:18.3 | 1:00:02.7 | 59:37.0 | 58:22.1 | 56:24.0 | 52:50.3 | |
30 mins | 7307 | 5088 | 717 | 5090 | 5097 | 5119 | 5156 | 5265 | 5448 | 5813 | |
60 mins | 14166 | 9840 | 713 | 9853 | 9867 | 9910 | 9980 | 10193 | 10547 | 11255 | |
Half M | 1:31:29.7 | 2:10:28.0 | 737 | 2:10:25.6 | 2:10:14.5 | 2:09:41.2 | 2:08:46.5 | 2:06:06.7 | 2:01:54.7 | 1:54:17.8 | |
Marathon | 3:19:45.0 | - | 0 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
Category Female 64 |
The total score is calculated by adding the 9 best scores from the 10 events
Complete all 10 events for 100 bonus points