There are not many rules, but we do get asked to clarify things from time to time. Hopefully the rules listed below will answer your question, but if not just send us an email or ask on the forum.
- Your Nonathlon Age for the 2025 season is your age on 1st May 2024
- You must be <= 75kg men <= 61.5kg women (before you row) if you want to log the result as a Lightweight
- You can pro rata your time/distance to shorter events
e.g. if you row 10km in 40:00.0 you can (if you like) also enter 20:00.0 for 5km, 8:00.0 for 2k, 04:00.0 for 1km etc...
- You can NOT pro rata your time/distance to longer events!!!
- Only scores rowed between May 1st 2024 and April 30th 2025 count towards the 2025 Nonathlon
Nonathlon FAQ's
What is the Nonathlon?
This is a competition based around the Concept2 Indoor Rower (an excellent piece of fitness equipment, though we are a little biased!). If you use a Concept2 and are interested in a way of comparing yourself to other rowers please enter the competition (it's free!).
Concept2 divides people's performances up by the age, weight class and gender of the participants. If you're a 54 year old lightweight woman you can compete against other women like you in the Concept2 ranking, but it's hard to know how you compare against a 35 year old heavyweight man. That's where the Nonathlon comes in! It lets you compare yourself against other rowers, covering a range of distances (not just the popular 2,000m event).
How does the scoring work?
Each time or distance you record is compared against a theoretical 'Gold' standard. If you match that standard you get 1000 points. If you are slower you'll get proportionally less, and if you're faster (not easy!) you'll get more. There are more details available on how the standards are set in the Scoring section.
How do I enter?
Click on the Register link in the menu, enter a few personal details (don't worry, we don't use the information for anything except the Nonathlon) and start logging times!
When does the Nonathlon Start and Finish
The Nonathlon has the same start and finish dates as the Concept2 Ranking season. The 2025 season runs from 1st May 2024 to 30th April 2025.
How does the site work?
The Ranking page is the heart of the site. This shows the scores for everyone competing in the Nonathlon.
If a score is highlighted in green it means it has been updated in the last two days. If someone has 100 points in the '+' column it means they have completed all 10 events - only the top 9 scores are counted to your total, but you get a bonus 100 points for doing all 10. You can click on any entrant's name in the ranking chart to see a little about them (e.g. try clicking on PaulH to see a cute picture of my daughter!)
You can also Sort and Filter the Ranking page to customise what and how it displays. The simplest wayto do this is to click one of the column headers, but you can now set up your own sorts and filters as well.
The Profile page is where you can put some comments about yourself and/or a picture.
The Scores page is where you can enter, update and view your times and distances.
The Teams page is where you can create groups of Nonathletes, which can then be used to filter the ranking chart. These are usually private, but if you create a public team it can also be used by others
The News page will provide news about any changes we're making to the site, the scoring, or anything else we might want to share with you.
Why is there no Forum, or Blog?
Concept2 already have two main forums, and the UK forum has blogs. As most people here will already be using these, there is no need for them on the Nonathlon site.