Event | Target | Current | Score | +1 | +2 | +5 | +10 | +25 | +50 | +100 | |
500m | 1:23.6 | 1:40.0 | 844 | 1:39.9 | 1:39.8 | 1:39.4 | 1:38.8 | 1:37.1 | 1:34.4 | 1:29.3 | |
1000m | 3:00.8 | 3:32.9 | 858 | 3:32.8 | 3:32.5 | 3:31.8 | 3:30.5 | 3:26.9 | 3:21.2 | 3:10.6 | |
2000m | 6:12.7 | 7:22.7 | 845 | 7:22.3 | 7:21.8 | 7:20.2 | 7:17.6 | 7:10.1 | 6:58.0 | 6:35.8 | |
5000m | 16:25.6 | 19:41.7 | 848 | 19:41.0 | 19:39.6 | 19:35.4 | 19:28.4 | 19:08.0 | 18:35.5 | 17:35.8 | |
6000m | 19:55.0 | 23:32.6 | 857 | 23:31.6 | 23:30.0 | 23:25.0 | 23:16.8 | 22:52.7 | 22:14.4 | 21:03.8 | |
10km | 33:46.7 | 41:00.3 | 836 | 40:58.0 | 40:55.1 | 40:46.2 | 40:31.5 | 39:48.5 | 38:40.2 | 36:34.5 | |
30 mins | 8920 | 7413 | 845 | 7417 | 7426 | 7453 | 7498 | 7632 | 7855 | 8301 | |
60 mins | 17296 | 14506 | 850 | 14520 | 14538 | 14590 | 14676 | 14936 | 15368 | 16233 | |
Half M | 1:13:45.1 | 1:28:08.5 | 852 | 1:28:03.7 | 1:27:57.4 | 1:27:38.5 | 1:27:07.5 | 1:25:36.5 | 1:23:11.6 | 1:18:45.1 | |
Marathon | 2:31:55.9 | 3:06:18.0 | 836 | 3:06:04.6 | 3:05:50.9 | 3:05:10.1 | 3:04:02.8 | 3:00:45.8 | 2:55:32.5 | 2:45:57.2 | |
Category Male 38 Lightweight |
The total score is calculated by adding the 9 best scores from the 10 events
Complete all 10 events for 100 bonus points