Gabi Krause
Female 43 Lightweight
I was talked into this but have to admit that I enjoy the motivation provided by the Nonathlon.
Total | 500m | 1k | 2k | 5k | 6k | 10k | 30 | 60 | HM | M | + |
9071 | 1017 | 977 | 952 | 981 | 985 | 980 | 998 | 989 | 1019 | 1025 | 100 |
1:43.0 | 3:41.0 | 7:40.9 | 20:02.3 | 24:15.8 | 41:26.4 | 7426 | 14353 | 1:29:58.4 | 3:14:42.9 |